A field trip from the School of Geography at Queen Mary, University of London

On 26th of March 2013 we hosted a visit of 1st year Geography students from University of London. The students visited Newcastle to consider the city’s investment in the life sciences, and in particular, they were looking at Newcastle as a Science City and the impact of it on local communities.

The students visited the Centre for Life and heard an inspiring talk by prof Michael Whitaker about the science in Newcastle and the role of the university in science led regeneration in the North East. Jon Ingledew from the Public Engagement Committee then led a tour of the IGM laboratories where the students had a chance to take a peek at day to day lab life, and ask questions about research and engagement with general public.

To round off the successful day of exploring the Newcastle’s science scene, the students then visited Newcastle Science City where they talked about science and urban regeneration and discussed ethical, social and legal aspects of biomedical research.