All posts by nigmeng

Newcastle University and mental health charity launch new film

Newcastle University, in partnership with a local charity, has launched a new educational film about shared decision making (SDM) in mental health care.

The launch at Tyneside Cinema in Newcastle was introduced by NHS England’s National Clinical Director for Mental Health, Dr Geraldine Strathdee.

Created in partnership with service users of mental health charity, Moving Forward Newcastle, and featuring former heavyweight boxer Frank Bruno MBE, the film is designed to raise awareness in the public and mental health professionals about the value of SDM for helping people recover from mental health problems.

The film can also be used as a teaching and training aid for medical, health and social care professionals wanting to understand more about SDM. It also serves to reduce the stigma surrounding mental health, which is still a major barrier to people seeking help sooner rather than later.

For more information, please click here

The film can be found here:

Performing Research

Join the Performing Research group and explore how theatre and drama can be used to develop public engagement and academic impact and complement your research and teaching skills!  

Tuesdays: 14th April – 19th May 6:15pm-9:15 pm

Space 4/5, Culture Lab, Newcastle University 

Theatre company Cap-a-Pie, in residency at Newcastle University, is exploring how theatre can create appropriate and rewarding impact, a vehicle for disseminating research and a means of conducting community engaged research. Performing Research explores how theatre and drama processes builds, strengthens and adds value to partnerships between universities and communities.  Cap-a-Pie is developing a programme of theatre-based research at Newcastle University that is engaging local communities and theatre audiences and creating impact for researchers. We hope this will be a project that researchers, and the communities we work and learn alongside, will truly value and be proud of. 

Performing Research – Studio offers a series of highly practical, playful and reflective workshops. Cap-a-Pie will lead an exploration into how theatre can create new knowledge and understandings within an academic research context, as well discover how we can turn your ideas and explorations into exciting pieces of theatre. Throughout, these creative workshops will be underpinned and contextualised within an academic and artistic framework, as we are eager to discover the ways theatre making skills relate to academic research and teaching in Higher Education. Performing Research – Studio is open to all Newcastle University staff and students who are keen to work in a creative and cross-disciplinary context. Please wear comfortable clothes and be ready to join in. You really don’t need any theatrical experience. An open mind and a willingness to get involved by sharing your creative and critical thinking is all we ask for. 

This project has limited availability so please book early via our sign up form or by phone on 07796 478 024. 

We are always happy to meet researchers on a one-to-one basis. Please do not hesitate to get in touch with Cap-a-Pie on 07796 478 024 or email if you’d like to discuss any ideas/questions you have.

‘Participants not subjects – engaging patients and families in paediatric clinical research’ workshop

On Fri 27th of March the John Walton Muscular Dystrophy Research Centre at Newcastle organised a workshop entitled ‘Participants not subjects – engaging patients and families in paediatric clinical research’. The morning was well attended by the public engagement and patient involvement officers across the Faculty of Medical Sciences, experts in ethics and representatives of the patient groups.The workshop was a great success and gathered feedback from such a wide range of backgrounds and viewpoints. Here’s the final report.

ASTEROID project launch 20th March 2015

ASTEROID is a new game for children to test how well they can see depth by using a 3D mobile device. Every year half a million children are diagnosed or treated for binocular vision disorders such as Amblyopia (lazy eye) or Strabismus (squint). Clinicians use special eye tests called “stereotests” to measure how well the two eyes work together. Current clinical stereotests haven’t changed in decades and don’t always give accurate results.

ASTEROID (Accurate STEReotest On a mobIle Device) project is launching this month in Newcastle, putting the fun in the 3D eye test‌. For more information click here.

launch event poster