All posts by nigmeng

Cafe Scientifique – Virtual Reality: Alleviating Anxieties in Autism, 21st MArch 2016

Virtual Reality: Alleviating Anxieties in Autism

Dr Jeremy Parr will be giving a talk in the Cafe Scientifique series on his research.

Date/Time: 21 March 2016, 19:00 – 21:00

Venue: DC Cafe, Dance City, Temple Street, NE1 4BR

Dr Jeremy Parr is a Clinical Senior Lecture with the University and an Honorary consultant with both the NUTH and NTW NHS foundation trusts. Jeremy’s research focuses on Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). He currently  leads the Autism Spectrum Database-UK containing over 1500 families interested in participating and accessing ASD research. He also leads a programme of research to help support adults with Autism Spectrum Conditions.  This talk will focus on his ‘Blue Room’ project using a virtual reality environment to help reduce anxiety in people with autism.

1429806847_11160672_935653503133928_6546248124509201267_nCafé Scientifique talks are a series of free events for thinkers which aim to generate discussion and debate. No need to register just come along.

IGM raising awareness of the international Rare Disease Day


A show of hands from the Institute of Genetic Medicine today, to raise awareness of the international Rare Disease Day and the importance of rare disease research.

The image was shared via Twitter and email with the larger community today.


1 in 17 people in the EU is affected by a rare condition. That’s 3.5 million people in the UK alone! Although individually rare, together the rare conditions affect more people than cancer and AIDS combined. Let’s all unite to make the rare disease voice heard!

Brain Awareness Week 14.03.16 -20.03.16

Brain Awareness Week is taking place on the 14.03.16 -20.03.16 and there are a number of events taking place.

  • Wednesday 16 March – SciBar “The Perfect Storm – Mitochondria in Parkinson’s Disease”

SciBar poster_Marcha

  • Thursday 17 March – The Science of 3D

3D Invite 17 02 16_Page_13D Invite 17 02 16_Page_2

  • Monday 21 March – Café Culture North East – ‘Virtual Reality: Alleviating anxieties in autism’ Dr Jeremy Parr, Institute of Neuroscience, explores new scientific discoveries which are helping children with autism to overcome the fears by creating a virtual world where they can safely and gently try new experiences which then help to overcome anxieties and phobias.