Category Archives: news

Newcastle University and mental health charity launch new film

Newcastle University, in partnership with a local charity, has launched a new educational film about shared decision making (SDM) in mental health care.

The launch at Tyneside Cinema in Newcastle was introduced by NHS England’s National Clinical Director for Mental Health, Dr Geraldine Strathdee.

Created in partnership with service users of mental health charity, Moving Forward Newcastle, and featuring former heavyweight boxer Frank Bruno MBE, the film is designed to raise awareness in the public and mental health professionals about the value of SDM for helping people recover from mental health problems.

The film can also be used as a teaching and training aid for medical, health and social care professionals wanting to understand more about SDM. It also serves to reduce the stigma surrounding mental health, which is still a major barrier to people seeking help sooner rather than later.

For more information, please click here

The film can be found here:

ASTEROID project launch 20th March 2015

ASTEROID is a new game for children to test how well they can see depth by using a 3D mobile device. Every year half a million children are diagnosed or treated for binocular vision disorders such as Amblyopia (lazy eye) or Strabismus (squint). Clinicians use special eye tests called “stereotests” to measure how well the two eyes work together. Current clinical stereotests haven’t changed in decades and don’t always give accurate results.

ASTEROID (Accurate STEReotest On a mobIle Device) project is launching this month in Newcastle, putting the fun in the 3D eye test‌. For more information click here.

launch event poster