All posts by nigmeng

BIG event at the Centre for Life 19th-21st July

The BIG Event is a three day get-together every summer to share skills and experiences, develop professional links and keep up-to-date with the STEM engagement field. This is the place to hone your skills and recharge your professional batteries, pick up great ideas and show off your talents to peers.
It provides an unmissable opportunity to squeeze the skills and ideas out of all the STEM engagement people you can in a short space of time. It’s like power juice for STEM communicators.
For more information and to book your place, please click here

Pint of Science programme is here!

postcardWith exciting talks by our very own Institute Director, Prof Joris Veltman, and our amazing Committee Members: Dr Juliane Mueller, Dr Michele Giunta, Beccie Brennan and Beth Gibson, the programme for this year’s Pint of Science is looking great!

For more information and to book your ticket, please click here

See you in the pub!

Registration is now open for Genetics Matters 2017!

With hands on activities, chatty scientists and lots of interesting presentations about genetics, this event attracts over 100 participants every year.

Come join us for a Free afternoon of informal chatting about science, and find out about state of the art research at Newcastle University. Oh, and cake!


Meet the Scientist sessions at the “Animals Inside Out: Bodyworlds” at Centre for Life

animal-inside-out-a-body-worlds-production-59839-gw-life-aio-home-page-banner-800x360pxIn September we will be presenting a “Meet the scientist” table at Centre for Life every weekend, to accompany the amazing “Animals Inside Out: Bodyworlds” exhibition. Come over for a chat and find out about evolution, the amazing research done at the IGM and the beauty and complexity of animal anatomy.

Schedule of presentations:

Saturday 3rd     Mitochondrial diseases/Rare skin cancers

Sunday 4th          Muscular dystrophies/Engineering cartilage

Saturday 10th Cartilage biology/Long bone growth

Saturday 17th  The future of mlecular diagnostics

Sunday 18th      Heart biology/Rare skin cancers

Saturday 24th  Cartilage diseases and ageing

Sunday 25th      Endoplasmic reticulum in development and disease



IGM scientist organises an information day for secondary school students in Italy

Michele Giunta and Manar Aoun, Marie Curie fellows at Mitochondrial Research Group (UK) and FINCB (Italy), have organised a dissemination event addressed to students of the secondary school “I.S.I.S.S. ‘CANTONI‘” for presenting Marie Curie fellows opportunities, introducing the EU FP7 MEET project and underlying the importance of fundraising activities in the scientific field.

Michele, a young Italian researcher based on Newcastle Upon Tyne University (UK), and Manar, a Lebanese reasearcher who worked at Fondazione IRCCS Carlo Besta in Milan during her MEET project’s training period, organised this event in order to share experiences, opportunities and knowledge around mitochondrial diseases.

Dr Juliane Mueller and Beccie Brennan, also from the IGM at Newcastle University, will presented at the event.

The event, which will be held in Treviglio (Italy) on April 9th, is included in the MEETers’ activities funded by European Commission in order to spread information about mitochondrial diseases and novel treatment avenues.


Conference leaflet is available here.