Big Bangs and Fire
Lunch with a bang! Just make sure you eat your food first!
You will need: vinegar, bicarbonate of soda, water, Ziploc bag |
Discover the science of fire and make your own mini fire extinguisher.
You will need: a candle, lighter/match, vinegar, bicarbonate of soda, a cup. |
A bonfire special – learn which 3 things are needed to make fire along with what happens when you take these things away.
You will need: a candle, lighter/match, bowl, plastic cup, water |
Kitchen Chemistry
Create delicious homemade ice cream whilst learning about chemical bonds and why we put salt on icy roads.
You will need: salt, ice, cream, milk, sugar, vanilla extract, ziplock bags |
A bubbling reaction that produces a super sweet chemical.
You will need: a pan, hob, wooden spoon, syrup, sugar, bicarbonate of soda, baking tray |
A acid-alkali chemical reaction that happens in your mouth!
You will need: sugar, citric acid, bicarbonate of soda |
Create your own edible sugar crystals with a super-saturated solution.
You will need: a glass, skewer, sugar, water, pegs |
States of Matter
A colourful display of density and chemical reactions.
You will need: a clear beaker/glass, oil, water, food colouring, Alka Seltzer tablets |
A festive favourite – create fake snow that is actually cold too.
You will need: shaving foam, bicarbonate of soda, a bowl |
How to mix oil and water and the science behind it.
You will need: oil, water, washing up liquid, bottle |
A balloon with air and a balloon with water – which withstands heat better and why?
You will need: balloons, water, lighter |
Is it a solid? Is it a liquid? Find out and discover how to make your own oobleck!
You will need: water, cornflour, food colouring, spoon, bowl |
Can’t get enough slime? Here are a very more slimey recipes for you.
You will need: bowl, spoon, highlighter, liquid glucose, iron fillings, strong magnet, cornflour, water, nappy, salt |
More Chemistry Experiments
With this sparkling reaction, your coins will look as good as new.
You will need: copper coins, vinegar, salt, a bowl. |
Make festive decorations with a snowy look by growing salt crystals on them.
You will need: pipe cleaners, string, salt, a bowl, boiling water |
Can you get a paperclip to float on water? It’s not as easy as it sounds. Find out how water tension can help.
You will need: a bowl, water, paperclip, tissue paper, pencil |
Make your very own polymer plastic that you can mould into any shape you like.
You will need: milk, vinegar, bowl, sieve, kitchen roll, microwave |
Discover the power of washing up liquid in this colourful demonstration.
You will need: whole milk, food colouring, washing up liquid, cotton bud |