Team Update: 15 – 28 October

Here we are again with your fortnightly catch-up on the work of the web team.

Progress on the Go Mobile programme

The new Press Office website was launched, bringing phase one of the programme to a close.

We’re planning the next phase of Go Mobile developments: audits are starting, meetings are being arranged. We’re aiming to start properly in January 2016.

Steve has been working on rebuilding the websites for Digital Institute and Physics in the new content management system (CMS).

Lisa is busy carrying out an audit of Newcastle University’s Business School website.

Emma C finished the rebuild of the Newcastle University London website in the CMS. It went live in time for the official launch of the London campus on 21 October.

We are working with the undergraduate marketing team to get all final elements and design features into their new website. The undergraduate team are currently working on content and images.

Design and technical developments

We released our latest iteration of the external homepage and implemented a new ‘mega menu’ across the Go Mobile sites. This as an extension of the global navigation links at the top of each page. This includes direct links to the most popular sections of our website. It replaces the ‘mega footer’ from the old design.

Training and support

We’ve received 33 support requests through the NU Service Helpdesk and have resolved 16 of them.

Lisa has been making updates to the planning and writing web content training. We’re ready for the next round of training sessions in November and December.

Campaigns and web developments

Emma C’s been messing about in spreadsheets. Testing the Google Analytics add-on for Google Sheets and working out how we can combine analytics data into our content audits.

Steve has been working on the SAgE DTA website.

Lisa wrote a blog post about improving page titles and headlines.

Plans for the next few weeks

As we prepare for the next phase of Go Mobile there’s a number of opportunities to keep our skills up-to-date.

We’re sending a small contingent to Nielsen Norman’s Usability Training Week in London next month. Lisa and Jane will attend the content strategy workshop, while Emma C will be at the analytics and user experience workshop.

Peter and Catherine are attending an advanced JavaScript course on-site.

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