Top 5 Tips: Content Calendars

It’s essential to continually plan your content to ensure it’s up to date and answering your users’ questions. Content calendars (or editorial calendars as they’re sometimes referred to) can help with this.

You can use a content calendar to map out content that will be needed at different points in the year and the deadlines for publishing content.

Read on to find out our top 5 tips for content calendars:

1. Map out key events or activities throughout the year

The best starting point when creating a content calendar is to map out key events and activities throughout the year. This could include recruitment campaigns, events and funding opportunities. You’ll then be able to identify tasks you’ll need to complete associated with each activity. This will include when you’ll need to produce or update content and source new assets.

Adding activities that take place on an annual basis will also help to identify when the busiest times for content production will be.

To help map out these activities, use our calendar template (PDF: 28.9KB, University login required).

2. Be selective with the information you include in your calendar

There’s a variety of details you could add to your calendar. Some details you might record include:

  • what content is needed (depending on the activities you need to support)
  • where on your site your new content will appear
  • the people responsible for writing and editing content
  • deadlines for writing, editing and publishing content
  • other teams that may need to be involved – will you need to contact the Corporate Web Development team (CWD) to create a new page on your site?

However, remember that the more information you include the more complex your calendar will become.

Focus your calendar on the top priorities, and consider eliminating the bottom priorities to make your calendar easy to use and maintain

Kristina Halvorson and Melissa Rach, Brain Traffic

It’s therefore important to be selective with the information you include so that your calendar is easy to understand.

3. Choose a calendar tool that works for your team

There are a variety of tools you can use to make your content calendar –  software like Outlook or Excel, or online tools like Trello. Deciding on the best tool to use depends on the amount and complexity of the information you want to record in your calendar.

For example, the CWD team first used Excel for our editorial calendar for this blog as it allowed us to record and filter a number of things. These included post categories, tags and whether a post would include an image or be a feature post. It also allowed us to easily assign authors and editors to posts. Although excel worked well, we now use Trello for our content calendar as it includes additional features, such as email notifications when tasks are due.

Learn more about Trello by reading Emma C’s post on Online Task Management with Trello.

Whatever tool you use for your content calendar ensure it works for you and all of your team.

4. Plan in plenty of time to produce content

Make sure you plan enough time to produce and update your content, or gather new assets.

Remember you may need to wait on other colleagues to provide information or request support from other teams, such as CWD or the Press Office.

Although it’s important to plan as much as possible, there will always be last minute content requests.

An editorial calendar should be a flexible, ever-changing live document – one that’s updated according to the comings and goings of your business

Chris McMahon, Sticky Content

Chris McMahon recommends scheduling in time to deal with unplanned content.

5. Share your calendar

Richard Prowse from the Digital team at the University of Bath recommends sharing your calendar:

this will demonstrate to those not involved in the editorial process that you have a considered and measurable plan for content.”

Richard Prowse, University of Bath

Sharing your calendar with customers is also useful when negotiating deadlines. The calendar will make them aware that if they are late in providing information it could delay when content is published.

The content calendar illustrates the other work you have scheduled in, and might also help to minimise those last minute content requests.

References and further reading

Kristina Halvorson and Melissa Rach, Content Strategy for the Web, Brain Traffic, 2012

Chris McMahon, Create an effective editorial calendar, Sticky Content, 24 October 2014

Chris McMahon, Fill your editorial calendar in 5 steps, Sticky Content, 31 October 2014

Richard Prowse, How to create an editorial calendar, Bath University, 6 July 2014

Team Update: 3 -16 September

Welcome back! September is shaping up to be quite busy.

We’ve got our shiny new ‘back to school’ pencil cases with us and we’re not afraid to use them.

Go Mobile programme

The Go Mobile programme is finally in its launch phase for the first batch of sites.


There’s a lot of proofreading going on: we’re making sure our sites are following our new content guidelines. View our Go Mobile demo site or the University content standards (University login required) to find out more.

The whole team have been involved with proofing:

    • School of Biology
    • Newcastle Law School
    • School of Architecture, Planning and Landscape
    • Institute for Social Renewal
    • Institute for Cell and Molecular Sciences
    • Institute for Sustainability
    • Institute of Neuroscience
    • Study

Emma C and the editors for Athena SWAN have been putting the finishing touches to the new About the University pages.

Sites go live


We’re really proud of the sites – go and have a look at them and let us know what you think in the comments below.

The next group of sites to go live includes the Institute for Cell and Molecular Sciences, Institute for Sustainability and Institute of Neuroscience.

Guest posts on what Go Mobile is like for editors

We’ve published two guest posts from Go Mobile editors so you can get their perspective of working on the programme. Read what Fiona Simmons (Social Renewal) and Ivan Lazarov (Press Office) had to say.

Next phase for Go Mobile

Gareth attended Executive Board on the 15 September to provide an update on progress and raise awareness and support for the next phase.

 Design and Technical developments

The tech team have finished building components needed for the Go Mobile template. We are busy re-importing some content like staff, news and events into T4 to make sure it’s all up to date before the sites go live.

The Press Office needs some bespoke content types setting up to manage the news and expert profiles. We’ve got the design and we’re nearly there with the CMS build.

Training and support

We’ve received 26 support requests through the NU Service Helpdesk and have resolved 15 of them.

We’re developing some training and guidance around the new image dimensions in the Go Mobile template.

Details are already available on our Go Mobile demo site but as images have to be much higher quality for a smaller screen (counter intuitive I know), we felt that running a short session would help editors get up to speed. We’ll be in touch once dates are firmed up.

Campaigns and web developments

Steve has developed new pages for the recruitment of Student Ambassadors, Student Mentors and Street Scientists.

Catherine has been working on a website for a newly formed partnership between Newcastle University and our local NHS Trusts. The new site will be launched at the end of September. Find out about Newcastle Academic Health Partners.

Emma B has been working on webpages in the School of Arts and Cultures site for the newly formed Media, Culture, Heritage subject area, which has been created due to the merging of ICCHS and MACS.

Plans for the next few weeks

Make lots of sites live! By the next installment we’ll be approaching the finish line for the first phase of the project.

Reflections on Go Mobile Training – a Guest Post by Ivan Lazarov

This is the second in a series of posts giving you an insight into the Go Mobile programme from the perspective of a web editor.
Ivan Lazarov
Ivan Lazarov is a Public Relations Assistant in the Press Office. His work involves a range of projects, including the International Research Impact campaign, raising awareness of the outstanding work carried out at the Careers Service, helping promote entrepreneurship stories, developing publicity opportunities in India and creating video content.

As part of Go Mobile he is editing the Press Office and Research websites.

Key take-aways from Go Mobile training

I changed my attitude towards creating and publishing content thanks to the Go Mobile training. It helped illustrate the importance of a structured approach prompted by the evolving media production and consumption. Starting with analysing the website data, through to having a hard look at your content to some great tips and ideas. The training covered all aspects that help publishers deliver key messages and engaging content.

I learned a lot of new skills, but I must admit that I still need to look at cheat sheets when editing. Hopefully, this will change soon. The Top 5 Tips for writing for the web are excellent. I refer to them even when I’m not creating web content – they are a useful when I write press releases and internal newsletter articles.

The Hemingway App and headline analyser tools are interesting and I try to use them to streamline my content when possible. I also use Fotor to crop photos and do other minor editing when I don’t have Photoshop available. I highly recommend all of these tools.

The training is hands-on, with plenty of examples and scenarios to work with – I really enjoyed that. Also, the small-group dynamic ensured that all participants were engaged throughout the session. The exercises (not intended to put you on the spot!) helped us put the training into context and align it with what we do every day.

Getting stuck in to editing

The T4 training has been essential to help me get up and running. I’ve edited a number of pages within the Research website and the training is now helping me better understand the development of the Press Office website. Once the Press Office website goes live, we’ll be using T4 all the time to publish press releases and multimedia content.

The Writing for the Web training is helping me craft content that will be fit for the new content types and users’ expectations. As I mentioned, it has helped me optimise the way I write in general.

Advice for other Go Mobile editors

Try to put the training in context and ask lots of questions. The Web Team are friendly and very helpful. Also, use the opportunity to talk to the other editors and exchange ideas.

Don’t worry about taking too many notes – I am a profuse note taker, but the Web Team have produced detailed guides which include everything you need to know and can be used as a reference once you hit the ground running.

Ongoing support from the web team

The web training team run regular drop-in sessions for Go Mobile editors. They also provide space for editors to work when they need some quiet time. I think this is great and recommend you to make use of it.

When I come across any issues, I talk to the Web Team and get them sorted out right away. Many thanks! For me, the support available is more than enough.

The Experience of a Go Mobile Editor – a Guest Post by Fiona Simmons

Fiona SimmonsThis is the first in a series of posts giving you an insight into the Go Mobile programme from the perspective of a web editor.

Fiona Simmons is the Institute Clerical Assistant at the Institute for Social Renewal. Along with the Institute Administrator she is responsible for the Institute’s website, blog and social media channels.

The first step – Go Mobile training

As soon as my colleague and I sat down to fill in our ‘site purpose’ exercise we knew that Go Mobile was going to be a good thing for our website. A few diagrams and coloured pens later, we had identified:

  • our core pages
  • our main user tasks
  • the business goals that we were to aim towards

At the planning and writing web content session it was brilliant to crystallise our thinking on what the Social Renewal website could do better if we gave our content a makeover.

The next training session, on editing in T4, was totally different. It took us from what was ideal and essential to what was possible. With new types of content available, it became clear how we could practically carry out our plans for a re-vamp. I went into this session with a great keenness to find out how to add link buttons, but I learnt much more!

I’d been looking forward to seeing how the new mobile responsive websites would look but was worried that our website would be the one that it just wouldn’t work for. When I’d finished the training, I realised that the team has a great understanding of our needs as an Institute. And the flexibility in the system would allow us to create content that was more consistent, usable and effective.

I loved getting a chance to practice re-writing content so that it is concise and clear, and working out the best way to structure a page.

We left the training with loads of ideas for the Social Renewal site, and so many options for how we could take it forwards. Of course, with all that enthusiasm comes a health warning.

It takes invested time to bring all this together. The main time-suckers are sourcing new images and re-imagining your site structure to reduce its depth. It’s worth it, and it’s rewarding, but the following will be useful:

  • – for resizing your images
  • Hemingway Editor – plug your written content in and see what comes out
  • content templates – figure out your primary message, secondary message and supporting content
  • a content calendar – use this to plan your web updates alongside your business calendar

Putting what we learned into practice

Now that the training has sunk in, we’re gearing up to have a re-think of our site content. We’ll use the templates that we’ve been given by the Corporate Web Team. In the meantime, just to tidy up our pages, I’m using lots of different types of new content, from social media buttons to tabbed pages.

When I’m looking at a page, I’m now constantly thinking of:

  • the user’s task
  • the business goal that I want to direct the user towards
  • why we want them to visit our page

I can already see the improvements.

If you haven’t experienced T4 (the new content management system) before, then my top tip is to have a play in the system as soon as you have access. You’ll quickly see the new flexibility you have, and the opportunity to re-configure your site in a meaningful way, using the resources provided. If you have used T4 before, as I had, it’s all the freedom with none of the frustration!

My next step is to work with the rest of my team in the Institute for Social Renewal to make our website showcase our activities in the best way it can. We’re very excited for our colleagues to see the finished result!

Do Your Users Interact with Dynamic Content?

Every now and again I go off on a little rant. My team’s used to it. They humour me. And thankfully, mostly, nod and agree. Or at least see my point of view. When they gave me the power to write posts here, I wonder if they thought my rants would spill over for all the world to read.

Today you’re party to a rant about carousels, image sliders and rotating banners. Call them what you will, they’re all the same – dynamic content. Dynamic content is frustrating, because content is hidden as the thing moves.

Dynamic content is largely ignored by people who come to your website to complete a task. That’s what people use websites for, you know, to find answers to their questions.

Why I don’t think you need a carousel

I have some stats to back up the theory that dynamic content is not as effective as static content.

Stats? Hmmm, maybe this is the point when a rant stops being a rant and becomes a reasoned argument.

From 3 to 17 August on the University homepage we had numerous messages relating to Clearing. Some were in the rotating banner. Some were in the static content of the page. We have tracking set up on all the links in both of these locations.

Over the two week period:

  • the banner messages were clicked 2849 times
  • the static content links were clicked 9635 times

The analytics show that our users are 3.4 times more likely to click the links in static content than they are to click links in the banner.

Why might this be the case?

There’s a lot of research from the higher education sector that confirms that carousel interactions reduce as you move through the features. So the item in position one gets most clicks and the number reduces as the banner rotates.

User research conducted by Nielson Norman supports the argument that carousels reduce the visibility of your content. A user was given a task on a site where the answer appeared in a carousel. She failed to complete the task because “the panel auto-rotated instead of staying still”.

So dynamic content like carousels hide content, and the answers to your users questions. In contrast, static content is always visible to your users.

Why you think you need a carousel

I would be rich if I had a pound for every time someone told me they wanted a carousel on their website because they:

  • look nice
  • make the page more inviting and more attractive to users
  • showcase our best assets

Let’s go back to what people come to your website for – to answer a question. Now, ask yourself – do any of the reasons given above help a user to complete a task?

If you still need convincing that carousels aren’t great, just take a look at Jared Smith’s website Should I Use a Carousel?

Creating content that answers user questions

So after telling you that you need content that answers users questions, here’s some guidance to help you plan and write effective content (University login required).