How to Improve your Website Images and Videos

Images and video are used as supporting content on the University’s websites.
People don’t tend to prioritize our websites specifically for images or videos – they visit for information; your content.

That said, content can be greatly enhanced by using images or video to support your messages if they are used in the right context. So what is the right way to use them?

Choosing an image/video

High Quality

Use only high quality images. Images should not be blurry, stretched or pixelated. There is a range of University photography you can use in the photo library. Always preview your image to check the quality before publishing.

Videos should be selected from an official University YouTube channel and embedded in your site. Don’t upload the original video file directly to your website.

Support the content

Images and videos are supporting messages. They should always make sense to the user, their job is to help to enhance the meaning of your page. Your content should provide the context for the image/video.

It’s important your images and video is relevant to the content on the page. User testing increasingly shows that people are feeling more and more negative towards the use of generic stock images.

Less is more

If you have too many images or videos on a page, you can compromise the effectiveness of your content. They can:

  • slow page load times
  • interrupt the reading experience
  • make pages disjointed and harder to read

Images of text and complex images, like flowcharts or graphs, can also present a barrier for users accessing your content, and should be avoided.

This content in the image is effectively invisible to users of screen readers and anyone viewing the text only version of your site, for example a mobile user with images turned off. It is also impossible for search engines to index this content – so if you want people to find this information, use content!

If you must include a complex image in your site then a text alternative of the essential information contained in the image is required.

Image size and orientation

For sites edited via Contribute the standard image size is 320 x 180 pixels. We recommend that you use landscape images. Specific templates may have alternative sized images for banners and grid layouts.

Sites edited in T4 have many image options. For these size requirements you can view the image guide on our demo site (University login required).

Keep an eye out for a future post on editing images.

As videos are embedded onto your webpage, your website template should automatically provide you with the right size and a preview image for the box. Just look at our support pages to find out how to embed a video (University login required).

Alt text

Alt text provides alternative, textual content when an image cannot be displayed or for users of screen readers. It should be descriptive, but not necessarily a literal description of the image. Think about describing what the image represents.

Linking images

Many of our websites contain pages with grids of images, for example the Open Day landing page. Linking the image used here increases the area a user can ‘click’ or ‘tap’.

This is useful for mobile users who may be trying to select links using their finger or a stylus. Image links should always be supported by links in the text of your page.

Social media

Individual posts and campaigns run on social media are ideal for hosting video content. These channels tend to be seen as more engaging for people, as they can so easily share content – but more importantly, they enable people to talk directly to us.

Consider using social media alongside your website in this way to help your messaging. Social media can help direct people to your website, and your website should connect people to your social media.

Find out more about using social media in this way from the University’s Social Media Team.

Final thoughts

So that’s your whistle stop tour of improving images and videos for your website. These assets should always be used to enhance your pages, to enable people to better engage with your content. Find out more from our guide to images (University login required).

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Meet the Supporting Cast for your Core Content

Me: “Hey website, I have a question, help me answer it. How do I get to Newcastle?”

Website: “Before I do that, why not stay a while, look at our pictures; see how they glide by. We’re showcasing our city, our campus, our staff, our facilities, and our cat (oh, you didn’t stick around for that one).”

Me (scrolling quickly): “No really, just directions would do…”

Website: “Could I interest you in this video – it’s actually about the Law School, but you know, it might have a map in it, or perhaps a Virtual Tour? We’ve got a nice one of the Sports Centre: the gym is amazing”.

Me: “Er, no thanks, bye.”

Meet your supporting cast

These image galleries, videos and virtual tours have a lot to bring to your web pages.

They can provide engaging content. They help reinforce reputation and quality. They should act as support for the core content of the page.

Problems occur when they take over and try to be the star of the show.

They interrupt the flow of your carefully crafted content. They butt in. They push the priority messages out of the way.

 “Most people come to the Web because there’s an information gap. Something has cropped up. There’s something they don’t know, something they need to do.”

Gerry McGovern

Prioritise web page content

We should be careful about placing too much emphasis on the supporting content in a page.

Stop this from happening by focusing on the priorities for the page.  Read our blog post on Structuring Content to help you.

All our supporting content flows after the core content. On desktop it floats right or under the core message. On mobile it flows under the core messages.

This means our site users are not interrupted when trying to find the answer to their questions. The supporting content is there if they have time or want to read more, watch or listen.

 “Let us not focus on getting people to spend time with our content but rather on seeing how we can save them time.”

Gerry McGovern

Supporting content examples

Supporting web content includes a whole raft of things from images to interactive virtual tours. As long as it’s relevant to the page and its placement is considered: it’s all good.


Qualifiers back up our claims. They could be quotes or accolades that reinforce a core message. Partner logos and accreditation can also lend weight to statements within the content.


A picture is worth a thousand words – this can be true. A good, clear, relevant photo can enhance your core content.

But, too many images can start to bring noise and distraction to the page. Consider displaying these as an image gallery. This can group together similar photography: facilities for example.


Add a video if it supports the content of the page – don’t get sucked into adding videos “just because they were made”. This all represents clutter to your end user.

Virtual tours

These are a great way to showcase facilities and can help engage with your users. Again, make sure they support the context of the page.

Calls to action

Supporting content can also provide a next step.

They include calls to action like booking a place at an event. We have styled content buttons for this.

We’ve also got a suite of social media icons that can help increase visits to Facebook or Twitter.

Delete it!

Test if it really is supporting content. If you took it away would your reader still leave the page happy that they found out what they needed?


Gerry McGovern. The Challenge for Writers of Web Content. New Thinking. 24 May 2015.

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Image credit: magic moment by rvoegtli on Flickr

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