FMS Education Research

Are you interested in an area of research but perhaps struggling to find the time to develop your idea? Did you know that we have a Faculty research group where you can join like-minded colleagues with similar research interests?

Four research sub-categories have been set up:

  • Digital – this includes digital capabilities, use of software, use of AI within a teaching setting
  • Fit for Future – this includes skills development, professionalism, employability, transitions
  • Teaching and Learning – this includes assessment and feedback, evaluation of teaching methods, innovative teaching methods
  • Widening Participation – this includes inclusivity, accessibility to teaching and opportunities, student experience

If you have an idea that you would like to share or you want to work with others in any of the aforementioned categories, please get in touch via our Teams channel: FMS Education Research Theme | General | Microsoft Teams. Alternatively, you can email Bryan Burford, Iain Keenan or Vanessa Armstrong.