Interactive Animated Venn Diagrams

The Learning and Teaching Team contacted us to request an animated diagram showing the relationship between various areas of work, including faculty schools, institutes, and the Faculty Research-led Education Federation (FREF). The resulting page is visible to Newcastle staff here – take a look before reading the rest of the post. The initial brief included … Continue reading “Interactive Animated Venn Diagrams”

FMS TEL Conference – Resources Roundup

The resources from the FMS TEL Conference are now available via the Canvas and MLE communities. Day 1 Recordings: Monday 6th September Welcome and Keynote David Burn Pro-Vice Chancellor (Medical Sciences) and FMS TEL Team An introduction to the conference and keynote. Embedding Online Transnational Cross-Campus Teaching in Your Curriculum Paul Hubbard, Associate Dean of … Continue reading “FMS TEL Conference – Resources Roundup”

Teaching Document Accessibility

The Faculty of Medical Sciences Digital Skills provides lifelong learning to students throughout the faculty on a bespoke basis. Our tutorials cover the use of Microsoft Office programmes such as Word, Excel, and PowerPoint, as well as tutorials on how to work with specific media such as images and posters. Recently, we have increased focus … Continue reading “Teaching Document Accessibility”